It’s Never Too Soon To Start Preparing Yourself For The Big Day

There are so many things for brides to think about when it comes to their big day and the pressure is on when it comes to achieving the right look for the bride herself. The dress, the veil and the shoes may have been chosen many months in advance, but when it comes to bridal make-up, it can be quite last minute.

In part one of her hints and tips blog, professional hair and makeup artist Laura Mayers shares what brides should start to think about once their big day has been booked.

Dream skin

If possible, start a professional skincare regime as soon as you set your wedding date. Find a professional beautician you trust and let her work with you to devise the best skin care regime. If you suffer from dry skin for example, it could take a while to get your skin’s moisture balanced and ready for your wedding day makeup.

Body care

You dress could reveal shoulders, back and décolletage and so it’s never too early to start body brushing. This is a really cheap but effective way to give your body skin a boost. Dry brushing will help exfoliate and increase blood circulation and if you start to do this about 6 months before the big day you will reap the benefits. Don’t forget to moisturise your body too which will hydrate your skin ready for the spray tan.

It goes without saying brides will want smooth underarms for the wedding day and smooth legs and bikini line for the honeymoon. If you want permanent hair removal, laser or electrolysis is the way forward but you may require more than one treatment and so book well in advance of your wedding day. In addition, these treatments can cause redness and sensitivity and you want that to have disappeared in time for the wedding.

However, if you want something just as effective but much cheaper ask your beautician to book you in for waxing a few weeks before the wedding day.

Spray tan is of course a personal choice and in order to ensure you get the right shade for you, have a few sessions with your professional tanner to see what works best – wear a white/cream t-shirt once you have had the tan in order to see how it will look with your dress. A tan will look darker against these colours and it’s important to get the right shade.


It may be difficult to do but leave those brows alone! Your eyebrows frame your face and the natural arch shape does become impacted by plucking, threading and waxing. Our makeup artists would much prefer to work with a natural brow as we can then balance your face and eyes.


Your hair style will depend on your wedding outfit but as soon as you set the date start thinking about the look you want to achieve. If you want an updo but don’t feel your hair will be long enough, don’t worry as we can provide you with easy to use 100% natural hair extensions that will perfectly complement your own hair.

If you want to change your hair colour, we don’t advise a major change, as a general rule opting for two shades lighter or darker is safest. Whatever you are planning for the wedding, start to really look after your hair as soon as possible by treating it to deep conditioning as soon as possible.

In Part 2 of our bridal make up blog Laura will share her hints and tips for finding your wedding style.


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